Announcement: We just got back from our trip to get our newest F4 Jungle Cat / Bengal Hybrid Queen "Zaria"!! She is very tired from her trip and is fast asleep in her new cat bed.  I will post up some new pictures of her in the weeks to come, so keep an eye out. She will be a wonderful addition to the "Imperial Breeding Program".
Above is "Zaria" at 6 weeks of age, she is named after the Salvic goddess of beauty.

View Queen Zaria's Photo Gallery HERE
We got a new couch today and the cats have already claimed it as their own. Here is a picture of Queen Kali Ma (8 months old) and King Odin (6 months old) kicking back and relaxing.

Aine (ah-nay) at 1 day old

Aine 2 weeks old

Aine 3 weeks old

Aine 4 weeks old

Aine 7 weeks old

Aine at 9 weeks

Queen Aine (AKA Summer) 12 weeks old
Queen Aine (AKA Summer) 5 months old